Monday, June 11, 2012

Frittata and Teff Breakfast Muffins

Made this yummy frittata today. Scroll all the way down the page on the site for the recipe. I used fake cheese and green onions.  I also added red pepper. So easy I cant believe I never made one before!
I also made these Teff  Breakfast Muffins from the Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen blog. They came out wonderful. They have carrot and apples in them too. Teff is a new grain to me and I really like its rich almost molasses-y taste! My husband was like in there molasses in these? Nope! The taste and color are both from the teff grain. It is also high in iron, fiber and hails from Ethiopia.  I made a few substitutions to the recipe including using an egg instead of xanthan gum because I don't love the flavor of it and I didn't have any. I also did not put in raisins and nuts as they are migraine triggers! Oh and I used rice flower instead of tapioca flour. And yes these muffins are gluten free!

1 comment:

  1. Made the frittata for Fathers Day breakfast with fresh green onions and basil from the garden. It's a HUGE hit! I had no idea farm eggs and avocado made such a lovely couple! LOVE!
